
RoadMap of India
Road Map of India

India is a great country and has a rich heritage. India had rich past has an eventful present and a promising future. Our India is indeed on of the most beautiful country in the world,as poet Iqbal said, "Saarey Jahan Sey Achha Hindostan Hamara."(Of all the countries of the world, the best is our Hindustan.)


India is a country where lot of human value still exist in the days of consumerism. A country, which is so ancient that it is, considered Guru of the world & mankind. It is seat of an ancient (Indus valley) civilisation is about 5000 years old). Remains of ancient Universities at Nalanda, Vikramsila, Taksila (now in Pakistan), where students from all over the then civilised world came in search of learning are proof enough of our glorious past. India is a big country rather a sub-continent with an area of 3287263 sq. kilometres & a population of approx. 1000 millions. Roughly India has 1/6th of world's population and 1/16th of world's area It has 26 states and 6 union territories. It has Hindi, English & 18 other official languages. Literacy is 52.1% and had many religions mains are : Hinduism, Islam and Christianity. Other religions have also flourished in this secular country. India has done remarkable progress in the field of science & technology after independence in 1947 and we now the country with one tenth of technologists, scientists, computer professional of the world. We have a vibrant economy & self-supporting industry. We have successfully launched satellites, built nuclear power plants and have succeeded in other fields to be proud of. India exploded a nuclear device in 1974 and again in 1998 which included Hydrogen bombs too. India however took pledge of no first use as well as wants to have only the minimum deterrent as per its security perspective.

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  Natural Beauty in India

In the springtime in the Himalayas, the forests on the top hill are at full blossom, with sunrays trying to pierce the thick forests cover. There are patches of snow. A little downward apple, almonds and cherry farms cover the green valley with patches of red and crimson. The Ganges (Holy River Ganga) cuts through the mountain with majestic sweep like a broad ribbon of glossy blue, simmering in bright sunshine. In the plains the summer is scorching. Dusty wind blows through the brown ripen wheat fields. From the clusters of mango orchards comes the scream of cuckoos. The days are hot, but the nights are cooler. After summer comes the monsoon. The army of black clouds armed with thundering and hurling silver darts of lightning strikes the earth. The earth shakes as it receives its bounty from heaven exuding a memorable fragrance in gratitude. After the rains the South is flooded. As far one could see is a stretch of emerald green of rice fields. On the edges sits paddy birds, with their heads hunched between their shoulders, patiently waiting for some stupid frog to appear. It is wintertime in India. The sky is deep blue, the land is green and gold with mustards and young wheat. Rivers and lakes have received their seasonal visitors from lands across Himalayas- geese, mallard, cranes etc.. Sarus cranes stride in pairs in the ploughed fields, the adjutant stork stand in sentinel duty beside the village ponds.

India is really very rich in Bio-diversity

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When people were still to start the debate whether earth is round or whether earth goes round the Sun, Aryabhatta (6th century AD) an ancient astronomer gave the theory that earth for sure goes round the Sun. Aryabatta also gave theory of square, cube roots & solving of simultaneous equation and gave the value of Pi (3.1416), his theories are still being used today in the same form. Two invaluable gift to the world of today from India can be named as Pi and zero and fully developed decimal system (also invented in India by Aryabhatta as appears in Historical inscriptions of 595 AD). Without these we may not be having computer internet or even dreamed of space travel etc. Brahmagupta (630 A.D), solved the indeterminate equations of the second degree. By the time 800 B.C Indian mathematicians had given the Sulva Sutra or "Rules of the Thread", which gave the method of surveying the land in rectangles and gave the formula for calculating the ratio of the diagonals of a square, giving a result, which is in error by only 0.000002 in the ratio. Indian mathematics reached its highest glory when a 9th century Jaina master Mahavira , gave the solutions to deal with all mathematical terms and fractions, proportions area and volumes. However the development in Science were not much after 12 Th. Century because of series of invasions & foreign misrules. With vast climatic differences, the vegetation in India varies from region to region, like the high mountain deserts of the Himalayas, to the tropical forests of the East and of Malabar coasts, to the xerophic shrubs of Rajasthan and of central and western Deccan , to the semi-desert's vegetation of Thar and the monsoon forests of plains. In such varied climates and vegetation one could find variety of wild animals in the country.

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3287263 SQ KM


~ 1400 million (2021)









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